Saturday, April 17, 2021

The Altar

I attended the eight o'clock morning mass last Thursday at the Church of the Resurrection in Rye, NY. That was my first mass attendance since the pandemic began last year.  I arrived a bit earlier so I sketched the altar.  Once the service was over, I added a little bit more details..

This morning, I did the same routine I made last Thursday.  It's nice to have a "fresh eye" on this work.  Now I see where I made the errors on the previous sketch.

The Saturday sketch enhancement.

The Thursday original sketch.


  1. Nicely done! Church interiors have so many, many details!

    1. It was a nice try. Yes, lots of details to see and want to include in the sketch. Alas, I can only do some. There's a disconnect with what I had in mind and what actually got accomplished. Thanks, Joan!
