Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Core Drawing Class: Week 6

I purchased another set of 4 evening classes at Goshen Art Academy.  Tonight's class was the start of an eight week long pose session with the sitter.  Our first task was to make several sketch studies in charcoal on newsprint paper.  This would serve as the roadmap of where we would like to take our painting in our medium of choice.  I would like to try oil painting for this next round.

I did a full figure outline sketch, followed by sections of body parts but I was having a hard time trying to get what I want.  Eventually I settled on this one pose.  Next, we were asked to only make a line sketch of the choice gesture on a fresh sheet of paper.  It would be interesting to see how this one will develop over the next seven weeks.  Stay tuned.


Sunday, March 16, 2025

Hiking and Sketching at the Rockefeller State Park Preserve

I hiked at the Rockefeller State Park Preserve today with the weighted backpack I plan on taking with me on my next Camino walk.  I have about 6 weeks left before trying a new route to Santiago de Compostela.  Since I was by myself training today, I had the luxury of stopping and making a sketch whenever the opportunity comes like this equestrian I saw near David's Loop.  I understand they have the right of way so I moved over to one side of the path to let them through.  Then I remember picking up my A6 size sketchbook from my cargo pocket and doing a sketch before she got too far ahead of me on the graded trail.  

There's a clearing and a maintained dirt road overlooking a farmland.  I think this area belongs to the Stone Barns Center for Food & Agriculture.  I thought it would be a nice sketch souvenir of this walk.  

The last sketch I did was inside a greenhouse that's open to the public, I saw the amaryllis flowers in peak bloom.  It was so beautiful, I had to sketch it!

Saturday, March 15, 2025

A Sketch-meet at the Essex Market

This week's sketch destination was at the Essex Market.  The place is still open; only the basement food area was closed off to the public permanently.  I have been here once before so I know the balcony dining area is the other best place to do some sketching.  I arrived a bit late but it wasn't a problem.  Once I settled in a spot, I stayed there the whole time.  This was the view looking down the food shop alley.


Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Core Drawing Class: Weeks 4 & 5

The long pose drawing class ended on my third week with the Goshen Art Academy.  I posted my work from that session.  The two weeks after that, we did the skills-building exercise where we draw with a white chalk pencil against a black drawing paper.  The focus was getting the main highlights and the subtle lighting of the sitter.  I moved to the opposite side of the room so that I have a side-lit view of the model this time.

The following week, value, chroma and hue in color theory were discussed.  A sepia chalk pencil was handed out in the class and we were given the task to use that for the limited color palette.  So back to the drawing board and we finished the drawing we did last week.  I'm proud of how this one came out.


Thursday, March 6, 2025

The Brooklyn Bridge Park

Last weekend, the NYC Urban Sketchers spent a day of sketching at the Brooklyn Bridge Park where the views all around was just amazing.  You add to that a nice spring-like weather and voila! - everybody's happy!  Except that the warm temperature didn't last long.  It was a false spring day.  By noontime the winds picked up and turned cold and the grey clouds covered the sun.  I did a sketch of the Jane's Carousel and the East River view looking toward the northern direction.  

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Core Drawing Class

I signed up for the Core Drawing Class at the Goshen Art Academy in New York City.  The art studio is one block away from work so it was easy to attend the 6:00-9:00 pm Tuesday class.  The studio is run by Ken Goshen, an artist who I admire in the way he explains the art concepts in pure simple terms.  I've done figure sketching in the past but all of them non-instructional.  Here I was able to get some advice and feedback on my work.  

On my first day, I was struggling to get my direction as the approach to classical drawing was totally different than what I was accustomed to doing.  Here I was asked to do some sketch studies of the model.  Plus, drawing with charcoal sticks is very new to me.  Anyway, at the end of the three hour session, I was able to get a respectable sketch study.

On the second week, a new instructional twist was added.  We were given a bigger sheet of paper that has more tooth compared to the newsprint paper material from a week ago.  Different other tools were discussed, some of which I am already familiar with.

We finished the live nude model drawing session on my third class this evening,   It felt like something is working for me.  I'm slowly beginning to understand the assignment and the way the drawing tools are handled.

After the 3rd week.
After the 2nd week.


Sunday, February 23, 2025

FIT Museum and Impromptu Ace Hotel Venues

The FIT Museum on 27th Street and 8th Avenue was the original venue for last Saturday's NYC USk meetup but the place was rather small for the sketchers to share with the regular museum visitors.  Furthermore, the challenging indoor light conditions made it a no-brainer for the most of us to seek an alternate location at the Ace Hotel a few blocks away.  I was able to finish three sketches for the day.  It was my way of catching up on sketching having missed the last two weekend events.

Nice to add the Asian mother/daughter's name to my sketch.

Alan, Jin and Melanie captured on my sketch using a purple pencil.

Pen and ink used here to emphasize the challenging light conditions in the FIT museum.