Monday, August 5, 2019

Sketching some Horses

Two horses with the face netting protection are in for the summer at a nearby land trust pasture.  The flies/bugs are nasty and having a face netting keeps them away from Ben and Lucas.  However, that same face netting can cause irritation of the skin so it has to be taken off periodically.  It's fun and challenging to observe and sketch the horses because they are always on the move.


  1. You captured their solid body shapes well. Nice! I've never seen horses with the netting.

    1. Thanks, Joan. I was told at times they had to wear a poncho like body netting and partial leg nettings, too, when there's a really bad case of flies biting them. Oh, did I forget to mention that some birds gather near them as they graze? The horses must be stirring the bugs off the ground and opportunistic birds are at the ready to snap them up.
