Tuesday, December 15, 2020

A side-view mirror image

With the short time left of my lunch, I was looking for something to sketch.  There I found it in the small reflected image on the driver's side-view mirror.  The daylight was strong and parts of the industrial building across the street was bathe in light and shadows.  This time, I used the small watercolor palette I have in my kit and loosely applied blue and red color mix for the big shapes in this small 2.5 x 3 inch sketch.  Once I got home, I added some ballpoint pen lines.



  1. I like the looseness of it as just a direct watercolor, but the ink lines strengthen the structure of the building. Nicely done, Mel!

    1. Thanks, Joan! It was a good exercise in capturing the big shapes and not get bogged down in details. You know how I love details, hahaha.
