Monday, December 14, 2020

Shop and Sketch!

Grocery shopping is a necessary activity and we do ours on a weekend schedule.  Inserting my sketching activity on whatever down time is available during shopping makes it even more fun and interesting.  Here, I parked myself at a neutral corner and observed the crowd near the seafood section.  Lots of movement as shoppers come and go.  I try to get as much gesture from a figure, knowing that at any minute, this same figure would be gone.  Sometimes they stay still long enough to get a decent mark of a gesture.  Once I have a few of them, I add and mark some lines for the background, trying to make a good mental note of how the scene looks like.  Memory is fleeting so a picture also helps recreate the scene.


  1. You did a good job capturing the shopping poses of the customers. Do people ever come over to see what you're doing?

    1. Joan, Thank you. No, they don't. If ever, I was probably in their way, by the freezer section, and they just want to pick up something in the freezer. Hahaha.
