Monday, May 23, 2022


We went to see the Philip Glass AKHNATEN at the Metropolitan Opera last weekend.  Our top-most seats, at center section, afforded some view.  Once seated on row K, here looking down, I sketched the usher by the stairs leading to our section.  I also added some heads poking out from the rows below us.  Soon the place went dark and the show began.  After the first Act, the auditorium lit up for an intermission, I sketched these guys at the stairs near their seats, two rows down from us.  Between their heads I included a bit of the right balcony seat in the far distance.  And yes, below the usher, that was the orchestra pit.  Did I mention it was a great show?

1 comment:

  1. Nicely sketched. I like the sense of depth the figures and heads give to the sketch.
