Friday, October 4, 2019

The Stillwell Avenue Train Station

Last month, on a Labor Day holiday weekend, I went to see the Coney Island Beach front and boardwalk.  Sketched a couple of spots and then tried to capture this view of the Stillwell Avenue station where I arrived at and took off from having a fun day at the famous ocean front place.

The opposite page shows a man on the same Metro North train I took going home.  He was trying to catch a nap on the ride home until he detrained at Mamaroneck, NY. 


  1. I like the sketch of the station with the cars leading up to it. Nicely done!

    1. Thank you for looking. I'm quite pleased how that one turned out although I want to put color on it. The trouble is, the longer I delay coloring it, the more blurred my memory become of that particular scene.
