Monday, February 21, 2022

A Dog named "Winston"

Not many commuters today, President's Day, on the 8:22am train to Grand Central Terminal.  At New Rochelle, a guy with a small dog in a canvas tote bag came on board and sat across my row.  It was too good not to sketch this cute dog especially when it poke its head out of the bag.  Past Fordham station, I took out my sketchbook and made a sketch of the dog.  Once I finished, I asked the owner what the dog's name is, took a picture of it, tore the page out of my sketchbook, and handed it his human who was so surprised by what just happened.  Glad I did that because they stepped off at the next station on 125th Street/Harlem station.  It felt good giving it away.  Played with Procreate by adding color to the sketch.


  1. Good timing! I'm glad you were able to finish the sketch and give it to him.

    1. Yes and thank you, Joan!, I thought of the same thing. Spontaneity worked well this time.
