Saturday, April 27, 2024

The Busy Intersection in Norwalk, CT

I love this this part of Main Street in Norwalk, CT where it intersects the north end of Cross Street that turns into North Avenue, whenever I go to shop at Stew Leonard's store.  There's this view of the three houses that is really interesting with all the street post wires and route markers.  This intersection is always on my sketch wish list.  Today, I settled on a slightly different view due to the parking limitations but I think it came out fine.


  1. Nice sketch of the intersection. There are few things more maddening as a sketch than to see a view and not be able to find a way to sketch it. (The car/truck that parks and blocks the view is more maddening. lol)

    1. I totally agree with you on how maddening it is with car/trucks blocking the view! It happened again to me the other day and that was a good reason to smile as i read your comment. Thanks for the gentle reminder. :-)
