Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Commuter Sketch on Car 9135

These ladies were captured within view on the morning commute to the city.  Two of them busily entertain themselves with the mobile phone.  I think the lady in front of my seat, too, as does most of the passengers on the train.  Me, I have my sketchbook to capture and sketch the start of my workday.


  1. Can you imagine what it would have been like to sketch on the train before cell phones became standard for most passengers? I remember back eons ago when I was laid off from teaching because of budget cuts in NYC. I took a sketching class at the Brooklyn Museum and the teacher came to class on the train each time, sketching the passengers. I thought it was such a unique idea. Who would have thought that it would be something I would be doing at times too?

    1. I think the subway commuter sketching is more challenging even in the before cellphone era. There's not much space between you and the other passengers unlike the MNR trains where there's more seating space. We all like and enjoy sketching at any given moment :-)
