Monday, December 18, 2023

A Vase of Flowers

It's Sunday.  Between all the house chores and the digital entertainment I busied myself with, finding time to do an activity like walking and sketching became more meaningful.  Had a nice catch-up call with my daughter during my walk late in the afternoon.  After I got home, I was restless to do a sketch.  I saw the vase of flowers on top of the bookshelf along with a candle and a pine cone next to it.  This choice won over the pair of boots I wore during my walk.  I went ahead sketching the vase of flowers using the TWSBI VAC700R EF nib with Platinum Carbon Ink.  Good to practice with that pen I haven't used for quite some time.  



  1. It is so rare to see you do a still life. I like it!

    1. Thanks, Joan. You're right, I rarely do it. Maybe I should do more. :-)
