Saturday, December 23, 2023

The Steam Vent

On the way home Thursday evening, I was looking for something to sketch and noticed the steam coming out of the pipe on Madison Avenue, between 38th and 39th Streets.  I picked a spot on the sidewalk where I could sketch it.  Minutes into my sketching, a passerby asked if I was sketching and if he could see my work.  He noticed the scribbles on my page.  His name was Edmund.  He does watercolor and described his process a little bit.  Shortly, he walked to unlock his bike from the bike rack and we said goodbye.  The following day, I went back to the same spot and took a picture of my sketch.  Better to see it in daylight before adding watercolor to it.  I wanted to depict the steam coming out of the pipe.



  1. Great sketch of the area! I like that you left some whites to take my eye around the scene. Thanks for posting throughout the year and sharing your thought process and ideas.

    1. Thank you, Joan, for following along on this artistic journey. You are a great inspiration and a wonderful friend!
