Monday, January 21, 2019

A Pizzeria View

The little service napkin sketch was meant to aid me in resolving the size and proportion of the sketch I had in mind as I enjoyed the slice at Antonio's Pizza in Port Chester, NY.  However, it became clear that that sketch would evolve on its own.  The Bic 4 color ballpoint pen has all the colors I need to draw the "Pizza" and "Open" neon signs and the vinyl row seat cover.  One and a half hours later, I decided to gift the ballpoint sketch to the guy behind the counter instead of keeping it for myself.  There goes the sketch of the day!


  1. Awesome sketch...and on a napkin too!!! I'm impressed. Well done! Good thing that you were able to take a photo with your phone.

  2. The ubiquitous ballpoint pen is what makes it possible. No fuss. Thank you Joan. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words....I think ;-)
