Saturday, January 12, 2019

The Moose Head

The Westchester Urban Sketchers group met today at the Bruce Museum in Greenwich, CT.  There was a good turnout including a couple that are new to urban sketching.  The show and tell at the cafeteria was a success.  Most people left soon after but there were a few who hang out for a little while.  It was during that time that I noticed one of them sketching this moose head hanging on the wall.  I decided to participate and do my own sketch of the moose using the Platinum Carbon Ink Pen with DeAtramentis Document Brown Ink.


  1. Nice hatching on the moose head!!! Well done!

    1. Thanks Joan. This one evolved into a nice looking moose head. I was just happy to join Sonia in drawing the Moose Head that time since it was right there before our very eyes.
