Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Inktober 09: Precious

Well, I thought a sketch of the water flowing out of the curved faucet spout would be a nice suggestion for the Day 9 Inktober prompt.  After I finished sketching the curved spout, I let the water flow out of the faucet just enough to see how it looks and get an idea how to sketch the water.  This I repeated two times.  I assure you responsible water management applied here in sketching it.  All in all, I clocked the ballpoint sketching at 00:51:52 from start to finish.


  1. Nice shading on the spout as well as the water. Water from a spout is hard to do without keeping it running.

    1. Thanks, Joan. I was careful not to run the water bill high. Glad you stopped by for a 'visit'.
