Friday, May 25, 2018


Two days ago, I went bicycling around and was craving for that signature turkey sandwich #5 with Brie cheese, honey mustard, slices of Apples on baguette bread at June and Ho's shop until I passed by this buffet place in Port Chester, NY.  The place was crowded with plenty of dishes to choose from.  I wasn't that hungry but the idea of sketching this eatery won me over the signature sandwich#5 still one mile away. 

After having a lunch of chicken with broccoli and rice, I asked the young lady behind the counter if I could secure a corner spot and sketch the place.  Lida is her name and she's from Ecuador.  Not too long after, Adamaryz, took over the cashiering duties and Lida was gone. 

As I was doing this sketch, there were several customers who showed some interest.  Some struck a conversation that made me flip through a few pages of my sketchbook to show them.  Juan wishes he could do it but says he hasn't found time.  "You have to start somewhere. Got to do it.", I said, to which he replied "I know."

There was a sketch of the building (Boca Marina) I made last March where this buffet place is locateged and it's the first store front to the right.


  1. Looks like it was a wise choice of sketching locations. Nicely done!

  2. Thanks Joan. Port Chester is a good location for sketching. Many interesting spots, so little time.
