Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Thumbnail sketch

Drawing big scale isn't in my comfort zone and yet I've been trying to make it happen.  I must say, I'm just as happy with some nice looking small art sketches I made in the past.  However, something happened along the way that made me want to upscale the size of my sketches.  I guess seeing bigger size work from others is just too inviting not to try.    

There are advantages to doing smaller sketches: 

1.  Working in a smaller scale isn't as intimidating.
2.  Working with details is easier because it is smaller in size.
3.  Finishing the work is faster.  Well, maybe.

Anyway, I think I know what to do next.  Here's a small sketch I did today.  It's small, it may even qualify as a thumbnail sketch!



  1. I don't really find it any quicker to do small sketches. I still obsess about including everthing. lol This seems to have just about the right amount of detail. I like how you saved the whites.

    1. I know what you mean, Joan. I'm just as obsessed with adding many details...Lucky, I had to leave that place otherwise there wouldn't have been much left of the white. Thanks for looking.

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