Thursday, July 12, 2018

Soccer World Cup Semi-Final

I had about 2 hours to kill before my Pre-Porto group meet up and introduction here at Brookfield Place.  Found an empty chair where I thought of doing some people sketching practice.  It was a perfect scenario since the attention was all about the soccer game.

The setting was loose and informal.  Two large flat screen TV sets back to back against each other.  Two opposite crowds gathered and watched at the "le Bar" terrace in Manhattan for the semi-final game between Croatia and England.  The eventual winner would face France in the World Cup Finals.

I think Croatia just scored the tying goal at the 68th minute when I finished sketching this scene.  Croatia won over England at the extra-time with a score of 2-1.

A stunner for England late in the game at regular time.

The terrace crowd watching the semi-finals game.


  1. Nice sketch of the crowd watching the game! Hope you learned something useful at the meeting. It was too far for me to go in just for that amount of time. Anything I should know?

    1. Thanks Joan. Meeting went like this: Say your name, how many symposium attended in the past and your best tip(s). If first timer, what questions do you have? General agreement was to pack light and absorb the entire experience.
