Tuesday, June 26, 2018

At the parking lot

The idea was to sketch the empty parking spaces as seen from the driver's side mirror.  Maybe throw in a few parked cars in the background and the lamp post with a big parking sign marker.

Using a pencil to mark the lines, I started with the driver's side mirror and branched out from there.  Several things happened as I was doing the rough lines:

1.  A Toyota Prius car pulled in to one of those empty spaces.  Great! there is now a car to be seen from the driver's side mirror.

2.  I forgot to allocate some space for the lamp post.  Oh, well.

3.  A big travel bus pulled in behind my car and blocked the entire view from my side mirror.  Why? It turned out to be the designated pick up place where parents dropped off their children going on a bus tour. 

The final sketch.

The original sketch idea.

The beginning outline with a Prius reflection.

The bus blocking the view!  Interestingly, that Prius was framed dead center into the bus luggage bay.

The rough sketch of what I had in mind.


  1. It is always interesting to have to make adjustments as you go along. Good job on the parking lot. Are you submitting it for the challenge?

    1. Thank you, Joan. I don't know. I think it's too rough for a submission entry. Thanks for visiting.
