Friday, June 29, 2018

The Ridgefield Town Hall

While only three traffic lights exists on the Main Street, last Tuesday's afternoon traffic was heavy.  In fact, a police officer was seen manually controlling the traffic signal lights to better regulate the flow of cars and pedestrians.  I found a nice park bench near the traffic control box diagonally across from the Ridgefield Town Hall where it offered a nice view of the intersection of Bailey and Main Streets.  

A big flag hangs in front of the Town Hall, the corners anchored, so it moves, but not flutter in the wind.  

"Are you sketching?  You should include the flag!" says a lady passing by.  Exactly what I had in mind.

I probably sketched there for more than an hour before calling it a day.  As I walked back toward my car, I ran into the friendly police officer who was manning the traffic signal controller.  His shift was done.  Since he saw me sketching the Town Hall earlier, I thought I'd show him what I had done.

"It's good!  Are you an artist?  Is this what you do for a living?"

After a short reply, we said goodbye and went our separate ways.

The BIG Flag at Ridgefield Town Hall.

Pencil sketch of the scene.

Bailey and Main Streets intersection.


  1. Love the sketch of the town with the flag. I'll have to look for flags like that. I always twist and turn so much.

    1. Thanks, Joan! Flags are interesting to watch. James Gurney once did a post about it. I'm sure there's no shortage of flags for you to draw and it will be a good one!
