Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Elisa's Workshop

After briefly sketching at the Lincoln Center last Saturday, I made my way to Elisa's Plein Air Landscape Workshop at Fort Tryon's Billings Terrace area.  Happy to see a couple of NYC USK'ers there - Ernesto and Mariel - participating in the workshop, too.  

In Elisa's two-hour workshop, she provided all the materials, did a demo, and discussed the color wheel theory including some of her tips and tricks in watercolor painting.

We were then invited to paint any scene our eyes were first drawn to.  Using a pencil to first mark the lines, I chose a view of the Billings Terrace arches and the vegetation around it.  Then it was time to apply the freshly squeezed watercolor tube paints.  Amazing color brilliance!  No wonder, the colors from a dab of fresh tube paint is way better than the reactivated dry tube paints I use in my half-pans.  Fun to mix colors, too!

It will be good to remember Elisa's painting tips: "back to front, light to dark, big to small".  Seriously, how do you know when to stop and not to overwork it?

The one hour plein air painting workshop result.

The reworked version from home.


  1. Mel, you did a nice job on this and I like the color adjustments you made at home.

    1. Thank you, Joan. As you know, I didn’t follow Elisa’s tips and time constraint thus the need to rework the piece. It was fun. Thanks for looking.
