Tuesday, June 19, 2018

John Jay Homestead

Last weekend, on Father's Day, we packed our lunch sandwiches and headed north to Bedford, NY where the historic John Jay Homestead is located.  It's free to get in and to enjoy the landscape tour on your own.  There's the Herb Garden, Fountain Garden, Sundial garden and a picturesque setting complete with the structures as it exists like it was in the last century.

There were 30 visitors that day, I was told.  A lady at the gift shop keeps her counter clicker at the ready.  Between the Coachman's House and the Carriage Barn is an open space dotted with several round picnic tables.  A big tree behind the Coachman's House offered a nice shade to an inviting scene: the Red Barn and the sloping field beyond.  

Muji Mechanical Pencil #03 and partial watercolor wash on-site.
Additional color later added at home.   

The Red Barn
The pencil sketch.
First pass watercolor.

Partial color added on-site.
Thinking how to color the sketch.

A screen grab from the website.  Coachman's House to the left of the Red Barn.


  1. Looks like a sketcher's dream place...structures, people, and shade. You did a great job on this.

    1. It is a sketcher's dream place! I've passed by this place many times and never visited until last week. I can see you having a fun time sketching here. Thank you for your kind comment.
