Thursday, June 7, 2018

The Capitol Theater

I tried to make the 8:15am express hot yoga class but the morning traffic was heavier than usual the other day.  The next class was at 9:30am so I had an hour of sketching opportunity in Port Chester.

There were cleaning crews tidying up the private parking lot directly across from The Capitol Theater.  Knowing that I will be sketching there only for a short time, I pulled into this private lot and parked at a choice spot.  The Sotheby’s Moleskine sketchbook freebie was it this time.  Soon, it was time to leave for the next yoga class.

Later, I went back to the private parking lot and found spot#21 open.  Same spot that I was parked at earlier.  The car to my left obscured the view of the distant building I sketched earlier.  I continued to work on the theater facade details before adding some watercolor.  A passing shower darkened the mood but I just kept on working on it.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Joan. It was confusing at first how to tackle it but upon seeing a pattern based on what was below the round accent, I was able to make it work. I appreciate your comment.
