Sunday, June 3, 2018

Fire Engine 1

One of the bay doors of the Glenville Fire House in Greenwich, CT was open when I was biking that neighborhood during the last Memorial Day weekend.  There's this beautiful fire engine truck that caught my attention.  I parked my bike, took out my sketchbook and tried to look for someone to ask if it's okay to do a sketch.  No one was around.  I figured it should be fine if just stay far back from the open bay door.  Eventually, a gentleman came by from the fire house and looked at what I was doing.  It was okay.  I don't know how much time I spent there but they had to move the two fire engines out of the bays.  The motorized wet floor cleaner was brought in.  It was time for me to wrap up.  Before I left, I showed the sketch to the gentleman.  On searching FB for info, I later learned he's the Assistant Fire Chief.

I really want to color this ink sketch but it will have to wait another time.  Meanwhile, here are some pictures of what this beautiful Fire Engine #1 looks like.

Picture grab from the Glenville Volunteer Fire Company, Inc Facebook page

Picture grab from the Glenville Volunteer Fire Company, Inc Facebook page


  1. Great sketch! I keep wanting to sketch one locally but the bays are hardly ever open. But on Memorial Day every fire engine was on the street waiting to go to the parade. I'll catch one eventually or ask my friend's husband to arrange a time for me to do it.

    1. That your friend has connections would be really helpful to make it happen. It would be fun to do that! Thanks for visiting, Joan.
