Saturday, April 21, 2018

Glass reflection

Not sure what I was doing here but my idea was to capture the reflected images and shadows hitting the front glass entrance to the Kneaded Bread bakery in Port Chester, NY.  I was seated at a table next to that door and by the window.  

I thought it would be interesting to see how a sketch would turn out using just one color in a water brush filled with diluted De Atramentis Document Black Ink.  It was difficult to vary the values and tone.  I couldn't seem to achieve what I originally envisioned so I abandoned the idea and added some light color pencil marks for shading and used the Platinum Carbon Ink pen to define the lines.

Perhaps it would be different if I were to use a black and white watercolor paint.  One day I'll come back to this again.


  1. Nice experiment. Good seeing you and your tripod today in the Bronx.

    1. Thanks Joan. It was good seeing you too. I'll know you're away once your blog pics start coming in smaller than the usual size.
