Tuesday, April 17, 2018


We visited the Met Breuer Museum last Sunday and saw the intriguing current exhibit on two floors The antique marble sculptures on the fourth floor piqued my interest.  The Bacchus' statue description says his measurement was about 6 heads, not the classical 7.5 heads.  Sure, I wanted to test that.  Using the Sotheby's pencil, I measured Bacchus from a respectable distance.  Indeed it was 6 heads!   At that point, I decided to sketch all three sculptures starting with Bacchus, followed by Hermes and California last.      

It was in measuring the proportions that I noticed the elbows lie almost at the waistline level.  I wasn't conscious of that before but I'll apply this new observation when I do people sketch next time.

The exhibit really captured my attention, I wouldn't mind coming back to see it for a second time.


  1. Nice sketches! I guess people have gotten taller since those days. It isn't something I would think of checking.

    1. Thanks, Joan. I suppose that could be true. I wasn’t planning on sketching but the act of measuring Bacchus made me do it. And I learned something from doing it. Thanks for looking.
