Monday, April 16, 2018

High School Percussion Championships

I went to see my nephew's team, the Shelton Percussion Team, compete for the Percussion Championships held at the West Hill High School last Saturday evening.  Never been to one before but I thought I'd bring my sketchbook and try to sketch the scene.

Each team had maybe 3-5 minutes to display their best.  Surely, that wasn't enough time for me to be sketching them.  It was crazy.  It felt like each team's performance only took thirty seconds and I was just barely starting to draw the lines. 

At first, I was ambitious in my sketching but then the reality took over.  It was difficult to sketch this crazy scene.  Besides, I was primarily there to see my nephew perform and render support.  

Amidst all the loud noise, dynamic energy and lively atmosphere in the gymnasium, all kids were there for the experience of a lifetime.  These kids were doing their absolute best to propel their team to victory.  By the way, the Shelton Percussion team placed Fourth in the competition.


  1. As if the movement of playing didn't make it hard enough, they played for such a short time too. You did a good job of getting the gestures down.

    1. Joan, It was really a challenge and I thought of the Robotics Competition you went to. It must have been similar in nature. Thanks for looking.
